Saturday, May 17, 2014

Transfer to new area

Hello everyone!

So my new area is fantastic! We have a few bases in the area, so I have this nice mix of working with Americans and Japanese. The ride there was a bit of a journey. I was carrying a gym bag a suitcase there. On the way to the station another elder had my suitcase. Well I find my train and notice it's going to leave soon. Like really soon. So I take my gym bag and throw it on the train, and while I'm quickly turning to grab my suitcase and put it on....the doors close. But fortunately my bag got off a couple of stops later and I was able to pick it up. It was pretty funny. We were all freaking out because we thought the Japanese people on the train might be a little worried that some foreigner threw a black back on a train just as the doors were closing. Not the best image. One thing that's great about having a military branch in the area is that we get a lot of meal appointments here. We helped one family buffer their floors and after got to go to Taco Bell. Tell you what, probably the best Taco Bell have ever had.  A really nice family also had us over for Mother's Day dinner. It was really kind of them not only because they fed four missionaries, but they also let an investigator come.

Anyway I'm running low on time.

Love you all,

Elder Davies

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