Monday, May 19, 2014

Getting going in the new area

It was my first full week in Yamato, and we spent most of it exploring and meeting people. Right now we don't have any solid investigators and both me and my companion don't have a huge understanding of our area. We don't really know where we can find a lot of people so we did a lot of exploring. We tried going to a new park and unfortunately we didn't find anybody, we did find though a secrecy path that led to a farm with Easter island hedges. I'll send a picture. We also met a man this week with some fairly interesting beliefs. We couldn't completely understand what he was saying but to sum it up he might think himself to be some kind of prophet. We also found close to the house a future Pday activity. We have at a park close to our house a place that let's you go fish in stocked pools. There's a variety of different fish but the biggest is probably carp. We might go do that one day in the future. Well, that's all about happened this week. I think next week I'll have more to write about. 


Elder Davies

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