Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Getting transferred!

Hey everybody! So this was the last week of the transfer. Unfortunately I got everybody else sick so we still had some inside days. But we were able to get a few dinner appointments because people are afraid that one of us is getting transferred. And as it so happens I'm getting transferred! I'm leaving lovely Kohoku to go to Yamato. In Yamato I'll have the pleasure of serving the Zama Military Ward. It's exciting to be able to work with some military members but I'm really nervous that I'll loose all the Japanese that I've picked up since being here. My new companion is named Elder Gammon, he will be transfer 2 so I'll be finishing up the last half of his training. I'm pretty excited to go and work in a new area, but I will really miss Kohoku. The ward members here have been really nice and it will be sad not to work with them anymore.

So I'm really excited for today. We have a lunch appointment with a college student that we met a few days ago. And besides the fact we are going to the best tsukemen place ever (like ramen but broth and noodles are separate and you dunk the noodles) he's a classmate with the stake president’s son. I think we're gonna have a really good time and maybe even do a church tour after.

Well I wish all the mothers out there a happy Mother's Day!


Elder Davies

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