Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and Transfers Already

31 December 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everyone! Christmas time has been a little hectic and hard to send letters. We had a lot of good experiences and had a lot of fun. Though in Japan, Christmas isn't the most celebrated holiday. There aren't many decorations out and the big tradition is to get fried chicken and Christmas cake. So we had a fridge full of chicken for the last few days. I think we're almost through it. Though to make up for the small Christmas Japan does a huge New Year. It lasts for a week. This week everyone is off work so we have dinner and lunch appointments every day this week with people from our ward.

We live really close to a temple here. It's really big and has a couple of shrines around it. It's really done up and we might go there with the sisters for some cultural excursion. So this week we received transfers. They happen every six weeks, and it's not a guarantee that you'll be moved to a new area but you still get a call saying if you are staying or going. My companion got his call and he will be moving to an area more up north kinda in more of a rural area. I will stay here and receive a new trainer for my last six weeks of training, his name is Elder Crain-Zamora. He used to be companions with my current companion in this same area. So he will know the area we are in really well. It is a little weird to see Elder Johnson leaving. Usually you have your first companion for at least 12 weeks. So it feels like we are getting separated a bit early. I do think I will like my new companion though. He is currently David Hernandez's companion and I think he likes him. So the actual transfer happens Thursday and we have a lot to do before then. One of those things is knowing how to get to all of our meal appointments.

I hope everyone is having a great New Years,

Elder Davies

Elder Brad Davies is on the back row, second from the right.

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