Monday, March 17, 2014

Meeting Germans during Splits in Kawasaki

Hello everyone!

This week was really normal. We didn't have many lessons but we were able to go talk to a lot of people on the streets. We also went housing for the first time in my entire mission. I think housing for most missionaries has kinda a bad reputation but I found that I kinda like it. I find it a more focused way to meet people.

So this week I got to go on splits in Kawasaki, it was pretty fun. I met three Germans while I was there. I've actually been surprised by the amount of Germans that I've met on my mission. It's really fun they're usually a little disappointed that I don't speak German but I can still tell they like to talk about home for a bit.

We sang in church this Sunday. It was really nice all the missionaries in the area sang "Nearer my God to Thee." It was really nice and a good way to get some of our friends to come to church. After church the ward had a little sandwich party that was really good for our investigators to meet the members.

Well hopefully I'll have more to write about next week but until then I love you all,

Elder Davies

5 Questions:

1. What do you like most about your companion? (We'd like to know more about him, BTW.)
 His nose moves when he talks. That happens to be a really good quality about him. Also he's way goofy and fun to be around, he's the kinda of guy who makes you smile. 

2. What was your happiest moment this week?
Happiest moment this week would have to be finding a new park. It's really nice and tucked away. We happened to get there in the evening time and it was way pretty. 

3.What was your saddest moment this week?
 We found one guy who has been having a really hard time lately. He wanted us to explain why God lets bad things happen to good people. It was kinda hard to explain things to him, but we're hoping that he gives us a call sometime soon. 

4. What's something you love about Japan?
 The food. Japanese food is soo good. Enough said. 

5. Tell us about someone you've met that you really liked.

 Met this street performer that was really cool. He is studying science at his university we hit t off pretty well. Though we haven't gotten to meet him again. 

Brad with his companion, Elder Huntsman

Plum blossoms in Japan

Brad's dream come true…holding a pigeon.

Whispering to a pigeon?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Plum blossoms are so beautiful!

This week has been a lot of fun. We started off this week with President’s interviews. This is when our mission president takes some time to sit with each missionary individually and see how they are doing. The interview went well. The thing that is awesome about president is that you can tell that he really loves the missionaries that are working for him.

Also right now the plum blossoms are blooming. We got the chance to go to a couple of flower viewing festivals in our area. I'll have to send some pictures because it was way pretty. It was also a really good way to meet people because there was hundreds of people there. I'm really excited for the next few months when the Sakura starts to bloom. If I'm still in this area we already have some parks that we are planning on going to.

We received a referral again this week from I was really surprised not only was it a self referral or someone who went online and asked to talk to missionaries. But they live probably a ten minute walk away from the church. We are way excited to start teaching him lessons on Sunday.

So we personally don't have any baptismal dates right now. But that's ok because we aren't here to force people to join the church but to invite. But in our area we have two baptismal dates for investigators from other companionships. It's actually really exciting. One was a lady that Elder Crain, my last companion, and I found handing out free English class flyers. After coming to English she started taking lessons from the sister missionaries. She way loves the gospel it's so cool to have met her. 
Anyway I need to send some more emails. Love you all tons,

Elder Davies

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Working across our area

Hello everyone! Sorry for not writing last week time seemed to escape
me last week. Though you didn't miss much. The last few weeks have
been a little slow. A lot of the people we were meeting with actually
live in the area next to us. So when they decided that they wanted to
take missionary lessons we introduced them to the elders of that area.
So it kinda feels like we are at square one again. Thankfully Elder
Huntsman is a great companion so I feel like soon well have our pool
of people filled back up soon. One thing that's hard about the area we
live in now is the church is on the most southern border of our area.
And we live even more south outside of our area. So to really find
people who live in our area we have to do a bit of traveling north.
But if we have a lesson at the church that day we can't go too far
north or we won't be able to spend much time in the area before we
have to head back. So we end up coming in contact with a lot of people
that we end up letting the missionaries in the other area teach. Which is a good thing
because it's more convenient for the investigator, but we feel a
little left out.

Today is going to be fun. I'm meeting up with some other missionaries
to go to costco. Costco is really fun to go to, doesn't feel like
japan at all. But at costco we are able to buy things that we can't
get anywhere else like cheese and peanut butter.

Well I should be going. We need to prepare for a lesson that we are
about to have. We read the Book of Mormon every week with one of our
friends named Norihiro. He's a really cool guy. At first I don't
really think he liked the book but after Laban got beheaded he's taken
a lot more interest.

Love you all tons,

Elder Davies